Participating artists
Sound installations 2004–11
2011. Jana Winderen (NO)
2010. Alvin Lucier (US) & Anne Wellmer (NL)
2009. Christina Kubisch (DE)
2008. Brandon LaBelle & Ken Ehrlich (US)
2007. Petteri Nisunen & Tommi Grönlund (FI), FM3 (CH), Lina Selander
2006. Andreas Bertilsson, Johannes Heldén, Abinadi Meza (US), Henrik Rylander
2004. Jon Eriksen, Frans Gillberg, Johan Gustafsson, Mathias Kristersson, Andreas Kurtsson, Åsa Ståhl
Live performances 2002–11
2011. Oren Ambarchi (AU), Crys Cole (CAN)
2010. Rhys Chatham (US)
2009. Rafael Toral (PT), David Stackenäs/Martin Küchen
2008. Francisco Lopéz (ES), Birgit Ulher (DE)
2007. Jóhann Jóhannsson + Hildur Gudnadottir (IS), VerheverbekeWiderberg
2006. Ekkehard Ehlers (DE), Minit (DE/AU)
2005. The Idealist, Fria Konstellationen
2004. BJ Nielsen, Dead Letters Spell out Dead Words
2003. Erik Mikael Karlsson, Mathias Kristersson
2002. Ronnie Sundin, Son Of Clay
Starfield Simulation Archive
Artists 2001–2005 performing at Rooseum Centre for Contemporary Art, Malmö
Curated by Frans Gillberg
Assisted by Andreas Nordström, Ronnie Sundin, Andras Kurtsson och Henning Lundkvist
Co-operation with Lab, Electrohype, Sveriges Radio, Galleri Neon and Ping Pong.
Roel Meelkop (Trente Oiseaux, Staalplaat) NL
Reynols (Trente Oiseaux, Drone Records) ARG
Phill Niblock (Touch) US
Thomas Ankersmit (Various) NL
Jan Jelinek/Farben (Klang/Scape) DE
Pixel (Raster Noton) DK
A Hawk and a Hacksaw (US)
Anne Laplantine (FR/DE)
Monolake (imbalance) DE
Asmus Tietchens (Ritornell, Die Stadt) DE
Hanna Hartman (Elektron, Komplott)
Tore Honore Böe (Purple Soil) N
Contemporary Punk Unit (Ideal Recordings)
Tsukimono (Lady Godiva, Komplott)
Johannes Heldén (Trente Oiseaux)
Tape (Häpna)
David Grubbs (Häpna, Drag City) US
Low Tide Digitals (Rune Grammofon) N
BJ Nielsen (Touch)
Dead Letters Spell out Dead Words (Ideal)
Lasse Marhaug (various)
Son of Clay / Andreas Bertilsson (Komplott)
Txture (DK)
Erik Mikael Karlsson (Fylkingen/INAGRM)
Jacob Kirkegaard (Bottrop-boy, Touch) DK
Kelly Davis (Private) US
Alog (Rune Grammofon) N
Tujiko Noriko (Mego, Tomlab) JP
Erik Levander (Komplott, New Speak)
Francisco Lopez (Mego, Alien8, Staalplaat) S
Andreas Meland (Safe as milk) N
Anders Ilar (Shitkatapult)
Alexander Rishaug (Smalltown supersound) N
Hazard (Touch)
All Spec Kit (Komplott)
Arne Borgan (Private) N
Ronnie Sundin (Häpna, Fällt, Ground Fault)
Deltidseskapism/Bauri (neo ouija, source)
No Source One (Komplott)
Figurera (Komplott) (Komplott)
Henning Lundkvist (Komplott)
Mathias Kristersson
Smyglyssna (Vertical Form)
Dag Are Haugan (Rune Grammofon, Kraak) N
Martin Jarl (konvex konkav, Mitek)
Andreas Tilliander (Mille plateaux)
Mikael Stavöstrand (Mille plateaux)
Folie (Mitek)
Claudia Bonarelli (Mitek, notype)
Artificial Paradises (UK)
Scaniaparken Permanent Soundfeed 2006-2010
Since 2006 a special mix is prepared for the mound by Starfield Simulation / Frans Gillberg.
selection of sounds and music are all aiming for a site specific
resonance with the landscape image and the environmental sounds of wind,
water, airplanes, voices etc..
Starfield Simulation IN SITU MI X i (2006-2007)
Ø + Noto M ikro Makro 3.45
Mahler Symphony No. 5 A dagietto. Sehr langsam 7.43
Oren Ambarchi Girl With The Silver Eyes 9.40
C-Schulz & Hajsch (Untitled) 9.43
Fennesz The Point of it All 5.01
Ryoji Ikeda - 6.36
David Darling N o Place Nowhere 4.39
Son of Clay The Color Scheme 2.58
Chris Watson E mbleton Rookery 4.24
Mamoru Fujieda T he First Collection 2.42
John Cage I n a Landscape 6.29
Philip Jeck Wholesome 8.26
Janácek T he Barn Owl has not Flown Away 4.29
Alvin Lucier O n the carpet of leaves illuminated by the moon 11.46
Arvo Pärt Cantus In Memory Of Benjamin Brittten 5.08
No Source One Untitled Flyby 7.52
Biosphere Ancient Campfire 7.45
Shostakovich String quartet 4.59
Alva Noto & Ryuichi Sakamoto Logic Moon 6.50
Phill Niblock Sweet Potato 24.10
Morton Feldman Rohtko Chapel 1 9.06
Morton Feldman Rothko Chapel 2 4.35
Morton Feldman Rothko Chapel 3 2.56
Morton Feldman Rothko Chapel 4 4.38
Morton Feldman Rothko Chapel 5 2.52
Maryanne Amacher Living sound, patent pending 7.04
Hanna Hartman Longitude 013° 26’ E 18.00
Bernard Parmegiani En Phase_Hors Phase 2.29
Bernard Parmegiani Jeux 5.10
Bernard Parmegiani Retour de la foret 3.22
Bernard Parmegiani Metamorphoses 6.19
Bernard Parmegiani Lontain-Proche 5.01
Sunn 0))) Bathory Erzsebet 15.59
Hazard Kissing Gate 7.34
Med början 6 juni 2006 installeras en specialkomponerad ljud- och musikmix för Scaniaparken som kommer att spelas varje dag mellan 10-12 och 22-00. Musiken är sammansatt av växelverkande electronica, stråk-, pianomusik och elektronisk ljudkonst i dialog med platsens egna
karaktärer. Musiken utvecklas långsamt i samspel med parkens ljudbild, dess väder- och vindskiftningar
och förmedlar en ny upplevelse av platsen och utforskar sambandet mellan musik, landskap och landskapets bildliga representationer. Scaniaparken är en helt unik plats som här ges möjlighet till ett fullt uttryck. Som konstskribenten och radiomannen Tor Billgren skriver i Nöjesguiden
2005: “De som varit på Starfield Simulations konserter förstår att platsen har stora outnyttjade potentialer, sensationsvärdet här är lika stort som stenbrottsoperan Dalhalla i Rättvik eller som Mimerlaven i Norberg. Vilken annan konsertlokal har samma förutsättingar?”
Starfield Simulation IN SITU MIX ii 2007-2008
1. Op.1 1 / Ryoji Ikeda
2. Op.1 2 / Ryoji Ikeda
3. Op.1 3 / Ryoji Ikeda
4. Op.1 4 / Ryoji Ikeda
5. Clear Music / Nico Muhly
6. Flicker / C-Schulz
7. Evocation / Arve Henriksen
8. Glow / Fennesz + Sakamoto
9. Consonances III / Liana Alexandra, performed by Charles Matthews
10. Varied Trio-I. Gending / Lou Harrison
11. Varied Trio-II . Bowl Bells / Lou Harrison
12. Haliod Xerrox Copy 6 / Alva Noto
13. Parkers altered Mood, aka, Owed to Bird / Phill Niblock
14. Gymnopedie No.1 / Akira Rabelais
15. Elvis on the Radio, Steel Guitar in My Soul / The KLF
16. Rue Casimir Delavigne (For Daniel Lentz) / Harold Budd
17. <untitled> / John Fahey
18. Aines / Panasonic
19. Kites / Brian Eno
20. Six Metamorphoses For Solo Oboe / Narcissus / Benjamin Britten
1. Sophie / Circle
2. Graue Musik / Senking
3. Music promenade / Luc Ferrari
4. Durations I / Morton Feldman
5. Cobalt Pools / William Basinski
6. Nocturne in D flat, Op. 27 No. 2 Chopin / Chopin, Dinu Lipatti
7. Fuga / Olle Bonnier
8. Space Pt 1. / Rafael Toral
9. Alto Tune / Phill Niblock
10. Of the building of forms by vibrations / The Hafler Trio
11. Droite / Etant donnes
12. Dream sequence number two (ethels voice) / Cabaret Voltaire
13. Blanket level Approach #3 / The Hafler Trio
14. Virgin flower / Jazzkammer
Sammansatt av Frans Gillberg med bidrag av Gert Olle Göransson och Ronnie Sundin.
Starfield Simulation Correspondences / Resonances IN SITU MIX iii 2009-2010
1. Quatuor pour la fin du temps - I. Liturgie de cristal / Olivier Messiaen
2. Entre du jardin (L'année dernière à Marienbad, 1961) Edit. / Alain Resnais
3. At Stern, Tokyo Bay_11 Dec 97 / Toshiya Tsunoda
4. Ruckert Lieder: Ich Bin Der Welt Abhanden Gekommen / Gustav Mahler
5. Excerpt '31 - 69 c. 12.17.33-1 from Drift Study (edit) / La Monte Young
6. La mer / Claude Debussy
7. Variation 4 / Evan Parker (w/ Paul Bley, Barre Phillips)
8. 30 Bar Pocket park Sound installation (edit) / Thilo Folkerts Frans Gillberg
9. Flowing Water, Based on Tabulature from Tianwen Ge / Guan Pinghu
10. One + Two + Three Fifths In The Rhythm Three Against Two For Bösendorfer Piano / Charlemagne Palestine
11. Lecture on birds / Olivier Messiaen
12. Hammock / Alvin Lucier
13. Streichquartett Nr. 4 / Giacinto Scelsi
14. Untitled / Sven-Åke Johansson + Axel Dörner + Andrea Neumann
15. 00 [telstar] / Stephan Mathieu
16. Lontano (1967) / György Ligeti
17. Childrens Chorus / Seneca indians (July 23rd, 1913)
18. Low Pressure. Glen Cannich, Inverness-Shire, Scotland / Chris Watson
19. Ich Ruf Zu Dir, Herr Jesu Christ / JS Bach Performed by Italian Viola Da Gamba Quartet
20. Fisgarmonia / Johan Andrén
21. Music For Marcel Duchamp (1947) / John Cage
22. Ketawang Puspawarna / Javanese Court Gamelan
23. Inamorata / Oren Ambarchi
24. Paus
1. Music on a Long Thin Wire (edit) / Alvin Lucier
2. Sunsets. Breachacha, Island Of Coll, Scotland / Chris Watson
3. Szene am Bach: Andante molto mosso / L v. Beethoven
4. Mojave / O (Mika Vainio)
5. Clocks and Clouds / György Ligeti
6. Gate Of Ivory / James Blackshaw
7. Värnhem / The Radio Dept.
8. Metastasis / Iannis Xenakis
9. 2/2 / Brian Eno
10. Studio per fiati - originale inedito / Luciano Cilio
11. Six Metamorphoses For Solo Oboe / Niobe / Benjamin Britten performed by Robin Williams
12. Orakulum / Sunn O)))
13. Sapientumsuperacquis (Binaural field recording of Venice, edit) / Enrico Coniglio
14. Israel in Egypt, Crystal Palace (june 29, 1888) / G.F Händel / Thomas Edison
15. Quatuor pour la fin du temps - VIII. Louange á l'Immortalité de Jésus / Olivier Messiaen
Curated and produced by Frans Gillberg 2001-2011
Link to Google Maps
Park History
1991 Designed by landscape architect Jörgen Carlsson for Malmö Stad
1995 Addition of a fire pit due to peoples need of making fires..
1999 Addition of the sound system by Bosse Andersson and Gunnar Ericson as public space intervention (playing jazz/pop music)
2002 The first live performances initiated by Frans Gillberg
2004 The first sound installations initiated by Mathias Holmberg and Frans Gillberg (for sound magazine LAIKA)
2006 The first site specific music selection in the permanent soundfeed by Frans Gillberg
The setting, general observationsThe
Scania Park is an approximately 900 meter long strip along the very
edge of the new peninsula of Malmö. The park is narrow consisting of a
approximately 75 meter wide lawn with an edge of shrubberies towards the
inland and containing geometrically shaped earth volumes. The park
lacks any imitation of natural shapes and appears as a sculptural and
artificial landscape. The very core of the park, and the secret to be
discovered as you conquer the large walking distance (approximately
250-500 meter from parking and housing) is a large earth mound at the
peak of the peninsula featuring the hidden sound system. The setting is
generally percieved as still, focused and isolated. The mound has the
clear gesture of an observatory, enhancing perception in general. Its
parabolic shape is collecting distant sounds while shutting out the
sounds of the most immediate surroundings. The system is 2x Stereo
(LL-RR), each featuring 6 Bose outdoor speakers reproducing a surprising
sound. As the speakers are hidden in the grass, the sound appears
detached from its reproducing speaker system, more experienced as a part
of the site itself.
The Landfill The
whole peninsula is a landfill built in different sequences during the
last decade. This was paired with the industrial expansion and the needs
of the shipbuilding company of Kockums who were in close cooperation
with the city of Malmö. Of importance is that this specific territory
was filled out as recently as in the 1980s, marking the turn of
industrialism. This fact is emblematic to the area and denotes this land
as a new experimental territory, an heterotopia which gives symbolic
and emotional bias to the experience of the site.
Archive images
Performance 2010
Perfomance 2009

Perfomance 2008

Performance 2007
Sound check / Performance 2006
Performance 2005
Performance 2004 (w/ panning propeller airplanes)
Performance 2003
Performance 2002
Soundcheck 2002
Exerpt from Nisunen/Grönlund installation Cyclone Scale (2007, 23min)
Exerpt from Lina Selander installation (117 av 146 instamaticbilder, 2007, 22 min)
Exerpt from Henrik Rylander installation (Scream Scania Scream, 2006, 18min)